Find the latest opening hours, and the current and upcoming deals and catalogs from the local Tempo store at 147 42 Tumba, Tunatorget 3.
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VANILJHJÄRTA 57 g • 140,35 kr/kg8 krSundayHALLON 225 g • 88,89 kr/kg20 krSundayCHOKLADPRALINER HJÄRTA 165 g • 363,33 kr/kg59,95 krSundayTÅRTA 400-420 g • max 122,50 kr/kg49 krSundayGURKA 2 pieces • 12,50 kr/each25 krSundayRÖD GRAPEFRUKT 2 pieces • 7,50 kr/each15 krSundayBARS, MILKSHAKE 22 krSundayCITRON 5 krSundayÄPPELJUICE 1 l • 22 kr/l22 krSundayTULPANER 7-PACK 59,95 krSundayJORDGUBBAR 250 g • 119,80 kr/kg29,95 krSundayKYCKLINGBRÖSTFILÉ, LÅRFILÉ 1 kg • 129 kr/kg129 krSundayRÖDA VINDRUVOR 500 g • 79,90 kr/kg39,95 krSundaySKIVAT BACON 140 g • 107,14 kr/kg15 krSundayRIVEN OST 2x150 g • 163,33 kr/kg49 krSundayLASAGNE I UGN 1 kg • 54,95 kr/kg54,95 krSunday